Archive for February 12th, 2009

Husband Never Does a ____ Thing Right

That might be true, but are there other things that might also be true? Care to take a challenge?
Okay I challenge you to the following…

1. Are you are person that always looks at life negatively therefore anything that your husband did that was good you could not see it?
2. Have you ever tried to find the things that he does do well with?
3. Are you a complaining wife or an encouraging one? If you are a complainer it just may be that his negative actions are a response to your negative mindset.
4. Do you ever try to give him credit for anything?
5. Have you ever asked him what he feels best at accomplishing and then supported that?
6. Do you talk negative about him in front of your children and family?
7. Do you give him anything to be positive about?
8. When was the last time you told him he is a good person, good father, good provider or good anything?
9. How often to you try to help him get things right by communication your needs, wants or even frustrations in a kind way?
10. Have you ever asked him why he is the way you perceive him to be and then offered to help him to grow and develope more?

Often in relationships we are to fault because of our own insensitivity to our spouse or we do so much complaining that we create an endless circle of negativity. You say nothing positive, so they have nothing positive to respond to. You act negatively so they have nothing positive to react to. Lighten up some and try communicating more positively it could improve your lives and you just might find out that hubby does have very good qualitites that you may have missed.

1 comment February 12, 2009






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