Archive for February 28th, 2009

Love Husband but Excitement is Gone

You love your husband but the excitement is gone? How could it have possibly gone anywhere? Excitement has no life of its own. The ONLY life that it has is what YOU and YOUR SPOUSE give it. Excitement hasn’t gone anywhere, its still ready, willing and eager to go. You two have to connect with it. The problem is what caused the disconnect. If you are honest, YOU KNOW. The good part is it is never too late to connect again, to get lost in each other, and to live it out through acts of love.

Here are a few top things that cause a disconnect – not spending enough time together, being selfish and controlling in the relationship, failing to communicate, growing a part by not learning what keeps you into each other, not helping each other with day to day activities and the kids, financial and house keeping woes, and spending to much time with 3rd parties.

Here are somethings that cause a connect – make your spouse your number one priority, do things that make them happy, find out what they need, find out what they want, do things together life is more than dinner and a movie, why not try riding the rapids if you live near water, climibing a mountain if you are near the big rocks, sailing down the Mississippi, dancing like you used to at the local stomp, thow a party or hop on a horse and ride into the sunset. Variety is the spice of life.

God gave you a gift. This is how most people deal with gifts, they either use it to the maximum or they say, oh that’s so nice I don’t want to use it, I will just put it on shelf and look at like a pretty crystal glass. The shelvers get some satisfaction looking at the gift, but the maximizers not only get the satisfaction, they get the best of the gift and experience the pleasure of it all the time. Use your head, how much fun are you? Just go for it.

Add a comment February 28, 2009

Want Divorce but Family Loves Wife

You know sometimes God speaks to us through others. Really weigh in your heart if  your family could possibly see something that you might be missing due to heartaches you’ve experienced in marriage. Ask yourself what is going on deep inside that makes you want the divorce and then is weigh out if those things changed would your wife still be of value to you. Sometimes years of dissatisfaction make you forget the tresure that you really have. But it is amazing what could happen if you took the time to dust off and polish up the old treasure box. All of a sudden its, “WOW.” It takes two people to mess up a marriage and it will take two people to restore it. Take care before you sign the dotted line, the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Add a comment February 28, 2009






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