Archive for February 19th, 2009

____ Happens, Life Happens, But Marriages Don’t Happen

You know what I hate about fairy tales, they tell you how to get the man and the marriage but not how to keep it. In fairy tales, love and life just happens. In marriage the reality is, it DOES NOT go that way. You might spend your honeymoon with prince charming, but there just might be a toad in your bed the next morning. For some reason after a few months of marriage prince charming or princess charming just don’t look the same. So what do you do? Here are a few pointers.
1. Happily ever after requires work. Stats say that year number one is the worst, so if you make it through that one you’re more than likely set for life if you learn more about each other every day and attempt to keep peace in your home.
2. The day the wedding band goes on your spouse becomes your NUMBER ONE priority, that is how you will keep peace as the years go by. Your priority should not be to continue to do what you did when you were single. Marriage changes priorites. Hanging out with your single buddies or the boys all the time just won’t cut it if you want an outstanding marriage.
3. Communications is the number one key to success. Talk to your spouse about every thing. Become like friends in the area of communications. It is the things that people cover up during the years in a marriage that often bring it to an end.
4. Be faithful. Don’t cheat. Really, one is enough. Don’t cheat with other people. Don’t cheat with porn. Don’t cheat with gambling or other vices. Give your self 110% to your spouse.
5. Alway express love, kindness and appreciation. Keep the words thank you and I love you highly active in your marriage.

Add a comment February 19, 2009






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